We live fairness and mutual respect towards each other, because success oblige.
We feel responsible for creating economical and social additional value for our customers, employees and partners as well as society in general. Especially within the region in which our headquarter is located. This is connected to the entitlement of using our industry-specific know-how and our human life experience sustainably, in order to meet each other at eye level. Economically, interpersonally and socially.
We are convinced: Fairness, a good sense of responsibility and competence are the pillars of a fruitful coexistence!
We owe our success to our employees.
If they’ re fine, amotIQ is fine too.
We support the work-life balance through flexible working hours models, trusted flexitime and a positive attitude towards family and parental leave.
Further education program
Every full-time employee has, according to their wishes, the opportunity for further education every year.
Occupational pension
In addition to an attractive salary development, all permanent employees can expect company pension as well as asset-creating benefits.
Profit sharing and target agreement
Through profit-sharing and target agreements our employees can also benefit from the company´s success and their own individual performance.
Free cold and hot drinks
Satisfied employees are important to us. Therefore, cold and hot drinks are provided free of charge at every company location.
Excursions and events
Because of our collegial and friendly cooperation at company parties, Christmas parties, joint excursions and events, we all see our colleagues as human beings and as part of the amotIQ family.
Sports and health care
Sports and health care create an optimal balance concerning the professional everyday life of our employees. Therefore, we support all employee initiatives in this area and additionally we sponsor sports events, triathlons, company races and once a year also sailing trips or motorcycle tours as well. Even our ergonomic, health-promoting office chairs make our everyday life more comfortable.
For us, promotion is a matter of honor.
Regional connection and orientation towards the common good, are very important to us, though.
We are convinced, that Heilbronn is a liveable and likeable city. We wish for it to stay that way. For this reason we as a sponsor, we willingly support projects, initiatives, clubs and institutions that promote our region – this is a matter of honor for us! Year after year, we provide support in the fields of culture, education, sport and social affairs. Our partners include kindergartens, schools, sports, clubs and social services.
Here is a small excerpt about our regional engagements
• amotIQ automotive supports the Heilbronn campaign for children’s traffic education „Spaß auf der Straße: Mit Sicherheit! “(“Fun on the road: certainly save!”) by VfV Germany, the EHIV traffic safety organization
• Deutscher Kinderschutzbund e.V (German Child Protection Association e.V.)
• Lindenparkschule Heilbronn – (a special van for the) public center for special education and counseling with a boarding school
• Menschen in Not (People in Need)
• ARGE refugee work of the city Heilbronn and the Youth Migration Service of the Diakonisches Werk HN
• Südstadt Kids
• DRK Heilbronn and community foundation
• WfG Wirtschaftsförderung Raum Heilbronn (business development)
• Stimme Firmenlauf
• Heilbronn Challenge
• HHN Racing Team
The most valuable raw material is renewable – our youth.
We see our support of young people as a clear acknowledgement of the future of amotIQ automotive. Therefore, we cooperate with the Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences (HHN) and the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University DHBW Mosbach.
Support for students and pupils
We are training partners of DHBW Mosbach, “exclusive sponsor” of the HHN Racing Team out of personal conviction and for more than 18 years we have been supervisors for bachelor and master students who are writing their thesis at the Universities of Applied Sciences Heilbronn, Stuttgart, Reutlingen, Mannheim, Münster, the FOM University of Economics and Management in Stuttgart and Phillips University in Marburg. We also offer Bogy internships and internships for students to learn more about our work.
Sponsor of the campaign „Spaß auf der Straße: Mit Sicherheit!“ ("Fun on the road: certainly save!")
Because it is never to soon to start automotive youth support, amotIQ is also sponsoring the „Spaß auf der Straße: Mit Sicherheit! “(“Fun on the road: certainly save!”).
The traffic text book “Straßengeschichten mit Moritz und Luise” was distributed to all kindergartens in Heilbronn in 2016 and 2018.
Fresh blood for the automotive industry
As experts in the automotive industry, we are well prepared for the future in the so-called Industry 4.0 era. We know that the industry needs new well-trained young talents. Therefore, we take responsibility for passing on our practical experience to the next generation of consultants. Working with young adults is a win-win situation. This way we always stay up to date and know in which direction science is developing.
amotIQ automotive GmbH
Lise-Meitner-Straße 6
74074 Heilbronn Germany
Telefon: 07131-587707-0
Telefax: 07131-587707-20
About AmotIQ
amotIQ automotive GmbH was founded on 21st December 1999. The three automotive Managing Directors and founders of the company are Peter Heidecke, Frank Mysliwitz and Andreas Prescher. Part of the team were also eight other shareholders – all of them visionaries and very down-to-earth. Located in the heart of the German automotive region, the internationally operating company specializes in consulting and development services for the automotive industry.
amotIQ takes your business to the next level!