amotIQ is one of the best consulting companies for SMEs
amotIQ automotive is one of the best consulting companies for medium-sized companies/ TOP CONSULTANT and one of the best IT consultants in Germany and may call itself TOP CONSULTANT 2016.
Mentor Christian Wulff honored the successful company in Essen. The honouring was based on a customer survey on scientific basis. For the seventh time, the seal honoured consultants who specialize in small and medium-sized businesses.
amotIQ is SAP Silver Partner
As a service partner, amotIQ advises medium-sized companies and groups on the conception, development, implementation and integration of SAP solutions.
By constantly working with SAP, amotIQ manages to work with the latest releases, always knowing exactly which software components work well together or how to enable communication between individual elements.
As a Silver Partner of SAP and its solution portfolio, the consulting experts are able to, for example, analyze customer problems more specifically, for instance through exclusive further education, or by discovering new business opportunities. The new partnership brings many advantages for amotIQ automotive and its customers.
The next generation of its award-winning partner program, SAP PartnerEdge, has been redesigned to make cooporation between partners and SAP easier.
Ready for a new form of business
This is the most significant progress in the 10-year history of the program. Why now? Industry experts talk about a new reality that has influence on how partners do business. It is largely based on the development of cloud computing and the interconnected economy. Through its partner status SAP honors the services of its partners.
Certification of amotIQ PreisCockpit according to GoB 2007
In 2007 amotIQ automotive software amotIQ PreisCockpit was subject of the quality audit by the auditing and tax consulting firm Dr. Ing. Stahl and Herold GmbH in Heilbronn. PreisCockpit is a software that prepares the provided price data records from XML or PDF files and enables the transfer to the SAP application (module SD).
The GoB certification is carried out by a publicly appointed expert who administered an oath to a German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK). The neutral and legal examination is a clear sign of quality for all software providers. The independent audit received after the final examination by the Federal Ministry of Finance guarantees security for users. The requirements of the GOB have to be met in order to receive the audit. In addition, the certificate saves examination fees because the results of the software audit are considered part of the auditor’s risk assessment. The certification process includes the inventory control of the software and the application development system, the inspection of processing functions and processing rules, software security, documentation and functionality, and the documentation of all results with attestation.
Innovations Award-IT from the Initiative Mittelstand
The amotIQ IT innovation solutions are among the best in the industry. For this reason, amotIQ automotive was awarded the “amotIQ PreisCockpit” category winner e-commerce in 2007. At the world’s largest computer trade fair, CeBIT, amotIQ received the IT Innovation Award for the most innovative and SME-suitable IT solution. The Initiative Mittelstand (Huber Verlag for New Media GmbH) is a syndicate of industry experts, specialists and scientists. They give information about current trends, solutions and technologies from and for medium sized businesses. As speakers for SMEs, they also ensure that companies as well as their innovative products and services become widely known.
Once a year during CeBIT, the initiative especially honors innovative products and solutions for SMEs with the renowned INNOVATIONSPREIS-IT – from apps, e-commerce and IT security to knowledge management. All submissions will be judged by an independent jury of experts for maximum objectivity!
DHBW Partner
amotIQ has been training students since 2018 as training partner of DHBW Mosbach. In the dual education program for a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) – Business Informatics, the student can complete theoretical and practical phases, either at amotIQ automotive in Heilbronn or directly at the company of one of our international clients, alternating with lectures at the DHBW Mosbach. In only three years students who wish to do both – studying and gaining practical experience – learn how operating logistics, applied project management and the optimization of business processes works directly at the customer’s company.
At the same time, the trainee learns basic knowledge of company structures and processes, business administration skills and management skills as well as several important soft skills. In projects, theoretical knowledge can be combined with knowledge acquired from practical experience.
All 24 employees as well as a company´s training supervisor will accompany the students for the duration of three years in the dual education program at amotIQ automotive.
amotIQ automotive is VfV Germany sponsor
amotIQ automotive supports the campaign for traffic education of children in Heilbronn „Spaß auf der Straß’: Mit Sicherheit!“ (“Fun on the road”: certainly safe!”).
amotIQ has been contributing to traffic education in Heilbronn since 2016 in order to equip children starting at the age of five with pedagogically oriented traffic education books. This enables the Heilbronn Association to equip all preschool children with the traffic textbook “Straßengeschichten mit Moritz und Luise” (Street Stories with Moritz and Luise”). “Straßengeschichten mit Moritz und Luise” is a valuable traffic text book to introduce pre-school children, pre-school teachers, parents, relatives and acquaintances to the correct behavior in road traffic.
As a company in the automotive industry, amotIQ believes it has a responsibility to do everything necessary to prevent accidents. This also includes supporting preventive measures by using approved materials about traffic rules, which can be used for traffic education in children’s facilities.
More Information About the Campaign at