AI-supported solution for supply chain resilience
The Dispo-Heroes, the student team from amotIQ automotive GmbH, presents an idea for the early detection of delivery backlogs using AI and SAP.
The challenge:
A ship is stuck in the Suezcanal and the parts urgently needed in the production process are stuck in the container ships behind it. Or they cannot be delivered because it is no longer politically possible to pass through a country. How can an SAP system react preventively? The Dispo-Heroes, the student team from amotIQ automotive GmbH, developed a solution to these challenges in the Final of the DSAG Ideathon.
The Ideathon:
An Ideathon is a creative event where people from different areas and with different skills come together to develop innovative ideas for specific challenges within a short period of time. The DSAG Ideathon (German SAP User Group) is specifically geared towards the SAP community and the development of innovative approaches to SAP topics.
The team:
The student team from amotIQ automotive GmbH, consisting of André Raichle and his two teammates, impressed with their impressive idea in the Final of the DSAG Ideathon. In an exciting competition, they prevailed against numerous teams and secured a place among the top seven. Their success is proof of their exceptional commitment, expertise and creative thinking.
The idea:
The basis of their idea is to link data from the customer’s SAP system with web scraping.
The methods:
Webscraping enables the automated extraction of data from publicly accessible websites, e.g. news or market data. This data is linked to information from the SAP system (supply chains, production details). In this way, external events and internal company data can be combined and processed using intelligent algorithms.
An example:
Imagine a message reaches us about an impending copper shortage. SAP systems could then analyze in real time where copper is used in your products, which suppliers are affected and suggest alternative routes or procurement sources to prevent production downtime.
Your benefit:
The system provides early warnings, optimizes supply chains, avoids production downtime and is becoming increasingly precise as customers become more connected. Companies can react more agilely to external risks and remain competitive.
“Our nine coaches were enthusiastic about the idea,” says André Raichle. “The idea was hailed as truly new.” The amotIQ team wants to keep at it and is already thinking about concrete business models, such as a set-up with a subscription.